Wednesday, September 30, 2009


Chest and Arms

incline DB Press:
Flat Bench Press: 80 x 10, 95 x 8 x 2 sets
chest fly: 60 x 12, 65 x 12, 70 x 10 with last 2 reps at 65
incline DB curl:
Tri Bar Pressdown: 37.5 x 12, 37.5 x 10, 42.5 x 8 x 2 sets
Cable Curl: 37.5 x 10 x 3 sets
Lying Tricep ext: 35 x 10 x 3 sets


drank 4.5 liters water

1 1/2 c. oatmeal, whey
2 greek yogurt and 1 c. cheerios
3 apple and 1/2 c. cottage cheese, 7 baby carrots
4 6 oz flounder, 1 c broccoli, 1/2 tomato, 1.25 tbs. olive oil, small slice bread (really thin & small)
5 1/2 c fat free icecream mixed with whey protein

Completely sore today from yesterdays workout. still walk like a dork. took some motrin. i love the soreness though. feels like i really worked out. However, very sleepy.

Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Legs Day

extension- 130 lbs x10, 150 lbs x 10, 150 lbs x 10
squats- 50 lbs x 14, 60 lbs x 12, 70 lbs x 10, 80 lbs x 8, 90 lbs x 6
ham curls (used single leg curl so lbs are for one leg curls)- 40 lbs x 12, 50 x 10, 60 lbs x 8,
70 lbs x 5
sumo squats- 45 lbs x 12, 55 lbs x 12 reps x 3 sets
step lunge- 25 lbs x 15, 25 lbs x 10 plus 5 body weight only (knee aggrevated too much)
calf raise- 120 lbs x 15 reps x 4 sets

stretched, did abs for 5 minutes
Steady state cardio ran for 30 min at 6 mph.

wanted to do HIIT but knee bugging me too much so ran on treadmill at home in the afternoon.


1: oatmeal, whey, unprocessed bran
2: greek nonfat yogurt, 1 c. cheerios
3: nonfat icecream breyers (an hour after meal 2 was just itching for sugar, happens after legs all the time)
4: shrimps, .5 c edamame beans
5: salad, grilled pork

Monday, September 28, 2009

Sept 28th 2009

First day on my program

Weight- 139
BF- 19.1%

Steady State Cardio today for 30min. I ran at 6 mph and completed 3 miles.

I knew with school being closed today would not be a weights day. Also, had Kali for an hour. Knee feeling ok during run. One of my goals is to stretch and I did that today too (I just tend not to be consistent with it). Today is also LOW DAY TOTALS.

Meal 1: oatmeal, unprocessed bran, tsp flaxseeds
Meal 2: .5 c cottage cheese, 1 apple
Meal 3: .5 cup peas, can of tuna with pepper
Meal 4: Pot Roast, .5 peas in tomato sauce, 1 small slice bread
Drank 4.5 liters water